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artificial intelligence 人工智能。

artificial person

Information technology - vocabulary - artificial intelligence - machine learning 信息技術.詞匯.人工智能.機器學習

From artificial intelligence based logic to science of social intelligence 從基于邏輯的人工智能到社會智能的發展

Agent theory is a hot topic in artificial intelligence ( ai ) areas Agent理論是近年來ai領域研究較為活躍的理論。

Logic and artificial intelligence 邏輯與人工智能

Artificial intelligence had been applied extensively in a lot of professions 人工智能被廣泛應用在許多行業中。

In 40 century , artificial intelligence has developed very high field 在40世紀,人工智能已經發展到極高的領域。

Study on artificial intelligence of knowledge management based on ontology 基于本體系統的知識管理人工智能研究

Seeking the developing direction of artificial intelligence in view of intentionality 翻譯研究中的意向性問題

A comparative reflection on artificial intelligence and human intelligence 關于人工智能與人類智能的比較思考

Equipment management system of power plant based on artificial intelligence 基于人工智能的電廠設備管理系統

Robot david of artificial intelligence is adopted by a pair of spouses 人工智能機器人大衛被一對夫婦領養。

Artificial intelligence ( ai ) is a subdivision of computer science 人工智能( ai )是計算機科學的一個分支。

Basis of artificial intelligence meter 智能化儀表基礎

A banking supervision information system based on artificial intelligence 基于人工智能的金融監管信息系統

This computer represents the pinnacle of artificial intelligence 這臺計算機代表了人工智能的最高水平。

Real programmers do artificial intelligence programs in fortran 真正的程序員用fortran做人工智能程序。

Expert system for artificial intelligence blast furnace smelting process 人工智能高爐冶煉過程專家系統

The application of artificial intelligence in an e - mail classifier 人工智能在電子郵件分類中的應用研究

Artificial intelligence search technology 人工智能搜索技術